Engine VIN Tag Information

Example |
Description |
Model Country |
E |
E (1978 compliant chassis), GF (1998 compliant chassis), R (Export UK spec) |
Chassis Code |
JZA80 |
JZA80 (Toyota Supra Mkiv) |
Model Code |
A |
A (Supra Mkiv) |
Body Type |
L |
J (Liftback with aero roof), L (Liftback) |
Gearbox Type |
M |
F (6 speed Getrag manual), M (5 speed manual), P (4 speed automatic) |
Body Grade |
V |
Q (RZ), S (SZR), V (SZ or RZS), Z (GZ) |
Engine Type |
F |
F (EFI & DOHC), Z (EFI & DOHC & TT) |
Example |
Description |
Engine Type |
2JZ |
2JZ (Twin Cam 24 Valve 2997cc straight 6) |
Aspiration Type |
GE |
GTE (Twin Turbo), GE (Naturally Aspirated) |
Engine Capacity (cc) |
2997 |
2997cc (Capacity of straight 6 2JZ engine) |
Example |
Description |
Frame Type |
JZA80 |
JZA80 (Mkiv Supra chassis, twin A-arms, coil over shock) |
Frame Number |
0022879 |
7 digit chassis number (001010-0041000, 1000000-1005857) |
Example |
Description |
Paint Colors |
3L2 |
Super White II (040), Silver Metallic (199), Dark Brown Gray Mica Metallic (1A1),
Quick Silver Metallic Graphite (1B9), Black (202), Super Red IV (3L2), Super Red V (3P0),
Super Bright Yellow (576), Grayish Green Mica Metallic (6N0),
Dark Green Mica Metallic (6P3), Deep Teal Metallic (752), Blue Mica Metallic (8L5)
Interior Trim |
FC20 |
Front Cloth Seats (FA, FC, FF), Front Recaro Seats (FB, FK, FL),
Front Leather Seats (LB, LC, LE, LF, LG), Unknown Trim (00), Black Plastic Trim (20), Dark Gray Plastic Trim(21) |
Example |
Description |
Transmission |
W58 |
W58 (Toyota 5 speed manual), A340E (4 speed auto), A343E (4 speed auto), V160/V161 (Getrag 6 speed manual) |
Example |
Description |
Crown Wheel Size |
A |
A (8'' - 200mm), B (8.7'' - 220mm) |
Differential Ratio |
01 |
01 (4.083:1), 02 (3.769:1), 03 (3.267:1), 04 (3.538:1)-UK, 05 (4.272:1)-USA, 07 (3.133)-USA |
Differential Type |
A |
A (Standard open differential), B (Torsen LSD), D (Torsen LSD) |
Example |
Description |
Plant Number |
A22 |
Production location and line (Motomachi plant A21-A26, Kanto Auto Works Ltd M21-M22) |